Fuller Life™ - The Book, A Journey
A self - enrichment series from the Academy of Self - Actualisation"...Light on the surface - but with subtle depths - the book has the genuine power to stir and comfort it's readers. Further, it is imbued with the rare gift of propelling the reader into the journey that is so very unique to each one of us...to a Fuller Life™.
Beyond doubt, the book is a page-turner with great potential to change us, from persons who lack self-esteem and confidence into self-actualized people in full control of our lives. It is a recepie for success, a surefire prescription to a life with zest, enthusiasm and sense of purpose
The multifaceted, multi-talented book's author (already in great demand for the Fuller Life™ two-day live in retreat programs that he conducts at various places) proposes now to reach a wider section of people, especially those looking for opportunities to clean up "old baggage". The result? A more ebullient, cheery life. The 250 page printed version (with it's beautifully-designed cover and the accompanying CD) bears the hallmark of practical utility with a scientific foundation. It captivates readers with heart-rending stories and simple, effective mind-gym execises.
The author discusses at length mind - body therapies and almost imperceptibly merges into mind - body - spirit therapeutics. He unlocks the complex mysteries of the brain, enlightens the reader about the delicate interplay of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems and then prescribes simple mental excercises as he fruitfully delves into the value of meditation, mindfulness, relaxation therapy, guided imagery, music and mirthful laughter..."
Dr. Francisco C Colaco, MD
Eminent Cardiologist, Columnist and Social Activist, Goa
Dr. Francisco C Colaco is a renowned Doctor (Internal Medecine), practising in Margao, Goa for the last 30 years. He is a highly sought after Cardiologist both by patients and as a consultant by the medical fraternity.
He has held several positions of responsibilites in leading hospitals and medical associations. He has also presented and published several papers on relevant topics, which have been widely accepted and appreciated. A deeply spiritual person, Dr. Colaco has been felicitated for his contribution to social causes and is the recepient of several awards from numerous organisations. The accomplished singer, dancer and guitarist is a fearless crusader against evils plaguing his Goa, and also makes time to pen down his opinions which are regularly published in the Goan media as well as widely debated in cyberspace.
Dr. Colaco, who is recognised as the pioneer of Echocardiography in Goa, currently runs his own hospital in Margao.