Mind, the mysterious Universe
“Self Actualization, the journey continues”
“the quest to lead more fulfilling, actualized lives.”
a discovery, a revelation, a transformation.
Seminar by renowned international speaker and author of “Fuller Life; the book, a journey”, Dr Leo DMello
Someone has rightly said, 'we are born asleep, we live our lives asleep (with our brains and consciousness asleep) and we die asleep'. Inspired by his Guru Fr. Anthony Demello, Leo goes about waking people and guiding people to become aware of reality using modern scientific techniques and skills woven with endless wisdom of spirituality.
About the Facilitator
Dr Leo DMello, Ph.D., author of “Fuller Life” is a student of scripture and neuro science and has dedicated his life to research on how we can apply the Word of God to live more fulfilled lives of holiness and wholeness. He is globally travelled and has shared with peoples of different faiths and cultures. His passion is to ignite lives with the ability to live a more authentic life; to question, to probe further, to ask the whys and why-nots, to be compassionate to the less fortunate, to live every moment with awareness and to make the world a better place to live in. His gregarious positive energy is infectious and he touches people at a very deep level.
You have one life, live it to the full
The whole journey began in 1989 with the mantra, "You have one life, live it to the full"
Breathing life, dispelling stress, Healing traumas, building self worth & self esteem, Creating positivity, Affirming goodness, widening perspectives, energizing positives, To self-actualization.
Academic learning, diplomas, degrees, courses equip us to make a good living. But what prepares us to have a good life, a great life, a happy life, a fulfilled life? A life where we can sail through challenges and vicissitudes of life with a smile and a never-say-die attitude. A life where learning never ends and the mind is growing to its ultimate level. A life which can be termed as "Fuller & Wholesome Life".

Stop existing
The signature program,
Is a group-experiential living and learning program that triggers people to awaken, be aware and slip into higher levels of consciousness.
Would you like these qualities to be enlisted on your profile?
- Efficient perception of reality
- Comfortable acceptance of self, others, nature
- Spontaneity
- Task centering
- Continued freshness of appreciation
- Profound interpersonal relationships
- Non hostile sense of humour
- Peak experiences
- Detachment, solitude
- Democratic character structures
- Discrimination between means and end, good and evil
don't sleep like a mummy
Someone has rightly said, we go through life stuck in our comfort zones, fast asleep, while life goes on around us.
We lead mechanical lives, dancing to the tunes of different drummers being controlled by 'remote controls' of our families, friends, colleagues etc.
We are elated when they say Wow
We are deflated when they say Boo
Wake up, smell the coffee, smell the flowers, feel the wind on your face. Experience the full gamut of human relationships and emotions. You don't need "selfie-esteem" and "selfie-worth" with "Likes" and "Friending". Your life is unique and special. There is no one like you. You are special and wonderful.
Live a Fuller Life.

Productions from
Fuller Life - the book, a journey

The author discusses at length mind-body therapies and almost imperceptibly merges into mind-body-spirit therapeutics...
21 Day Miracle Meditations

The Fuller Life Programming exercises are an integral part of the Fuller Life program and are to be appreciated within...
Fuller Life - Workouts Video

The Fuller Life Program work-outs 1 is a set of body tuning exercises and are an integral part of the Fuller Life Program and are to be...
is yet to come
Healthy, fit dynamic bodies ... to be,
Flabby, sickly, fatty bodies ... not to be.
Have you ever dreamt of a fitter body and
a dynamic personality?
High pressure sweaty gyms are not your cup of tea (or coffee) But looks, health, personality and charm are high on your wish list for Santa. The Fuller Life Wholeness Program addresses the body, mind and spirit. A regime of fitness to address issues of middle age, lifestyle issues And a habit forming, de-stressing module for everyday fitter and healthier life A Fuller Life
Your Life; Whose rules?
Whose hat? Whose shoes?
Create your own reality
How do your perceive Reality?
- Your perception affects your judgement.
- Your judgement affects your emotions.
- Your emotions (can) cloud and control your actions.
- Let Neuro Lingual Programming unveil new realities.
- Be free of past traumas through Emo-Trauma-Detox.
- Enjoy a Free, Fulfilled, Wholesome Life : the FULLER LIFE.
Meditate like a MONK
without selling your FERRARI
Scientifically proven that meditations transform the within
From heart and brain; to nerves, muscles and systems
Reduce (or cure) lifestyle diseases like blood pressure, stress etc
through regular practises of breathing with interactive music
Deep meditations through the Alpha level and beyond.....
Experience breathing with interactive Fuller Life music
Which helps balance blood pressure, reduce stress
Meditation also takes you to the Alpha level of the mind
Where you can experience deep relaxation, creativity and oneness with nature.